Guidelines for Using the Recorders

You will be held accountable for replacement of the recorder (approximately $35) if the unit is not in good order when you return it.

Basic Cautions:

Do not use immediately after transporting the unit from a cold place to a warm place: condensation may be a problem.

Be careful with these units: do not knock the unit, especially while recording. All recorded data may be damaged.

Do not place near a fire or in direct sunlight.

Do not get it wet.

Player will automatically shut off if left idle for more than 3 minutes.

Basic Settings and Procedures:

Turn the unit on.

Most settings are controlled by the "info/menu" button.

Settings are accessed by holding the info/menu button in for 3 seconds until you see "folder." Push the button again, and you will see the menu selection. Use the arrow button to choose the selection you want.

The "folder" that appears will tell you where you are recording your data. This folder will be displayed in the upper left hand corner in a box (A, for example) The file number will be displayed in a box just below this box (02/02, for example).

Recorders must be set to the following settings: HQ (High Quality-recording quality) and DICT (Dictation--recording conditions).

Recorders should be placed on a table just in front of the person being interviewed. Leave it in position. It should be about a foot to a foot and a half away. Do a test recording.

Turn on, select folder, push the red button, place the recorder on the table. Record Interview. Turn off.

To play back, select the folder and files you want (using the arrow buttons, but pushing up towards the top of the recorder, not to the side) and push the "on" button, and listen.

To delete a file, turn off, push the x button on the side. The recorder will flash the file that you will be deleting. If this is correct, then hold in this same x button for 3 seconds and it will delete. DO NOT USE ANY OTHER SELECTION AS YOU MAY ERASE EVERYTHING!

To download the file, turn unit on, slide out the USB port, and plug into your computer. If you have a Mac, you may need to download a free trial copy of SoundConverter to convert the file to an acceptable file format. (see


Conversion Guidelines using Audacity (thanks to Johathan)

The file converter that I mentioned to you during class was called 
"Audacity." You can find a link here:

Be sure to download the Beta version on the right side of the screen 
for your respective operating system.

Once this is downloaded, you will open the program, and click File, 
Import, and then Audio. Choose the file you'd like to open from there.

Once the file has been opened, click File, Export, and then a menu 
will open. From the drop-down menu, choose MP3. If you'd like to 
change the output settings for options such as the KB rate, click the 
options menu, and choose the appropriate settings. Since the codec to 
convert to MP3 is patented, this will prompt you to download a small 
codec. It is a small file, and free. Once this is download, it should 
be able to convert.

This program is also great for merging sound files together, in the 
event that you have a subject that required multiple recordings.